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A Vital Signs Monitor in Your Pocket

MOCAheart is the all-in-one smart heart tracker that measures heart rate, blood oxygen, and pulse wave velocity with a quick scan of your thumbs.

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The speed at which blood travels through the vessels is your pulse wave velocity (PWV), an important indicator of cardiovascular health correlated to your vascular status.
Higher PWV can be a sign of arterial stiffness and/or high blood pressure, which increases your risk of developing other cardiovascular events, but can be improved through lifestyle changes, such as exercise and diet.


MOCAheart measures your pulse wave velocity using its EKG and PPG sensors, and gives you an easy understanding of whether your PWV is in a healthy range using the Blood Velocity Index (MOCA Index).

Combined with heart rate and blood oxygen measurements provided by MOCAheart in just 25 seconds, you’ll receive a holistic view of your heart health and by taking regular measurements, you can track how it improves over time.

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